
Instant Pot Pancake Bite Recipe

Well, we’re on week three of laying low and staying home over here. I’m grateful that everyone in our family is healthy and safe and that we can do our part to help flatten the curve–this pandemic is scary stuff. Being at home 24/7 means snacks are flying off the shelves over here. Pretty sure …

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Boozy Lucky Charms Milkshake

It probably shows my age that all I can think to write right now is “my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they’re like, it’s better than yours, damn right, it’s better than yours.” I’ve got to say though, the addition of booze to a mint chocolate chip milkshake probably does make …

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Local Recipes

Pimm’s Iced Tea Recipe

If I think Spring thoughts, and drink Spring drinks, will that magically make Spring appear in Edmonton? Probably not, but this cocktail is so good I don’t even care that it snowed this weekend…again. I’ve been wanting to make a honey-based cocktail for awhile now, so I was excited to partner up with the Edmonton …

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